Change is hard.
 As human beings, we like to think of ourselves as adventurous souls up for any and all opportunities to shake things up. Realistically, though, research shows that most people don't like change. The thought of change can evoke feelings of fear, anxiety, and even panic.
There are small changes (daylight savings time) and big changes (moves, job changes, family disruptions). Whatever the change, it is important to recognize that our responses to these changes are different for everyone, and we must be willing, as a community, to help each other navigate through these changes.
One of my favorite books is Brené Brown's Atlas of the Heart. Her work around the core of emotion and why we react the way we do is a must-read for every parent, couple, and coworker. In it, she outlines the "places we go" when things are uncertain; places like stress, overwhelm, anxiety, fear, worry, and avoidance. Each of these are valid "places" we go when faced with uncertainty. Learning to recognize these responses helps us to move through them by naming them and working through them.
This year is likely to come with a lot of uncertainty and change. With new leadership comes new opportunities to stretch and grow, whether we want to or not. Some of us will face change we aren't even aware of yet. Regardless, we know we will face some change this year that is likely to trigger some of the feelings Brené Brown talks about.
So.... what do we do when we are faced with these changes? We build a community of care. Building a community of care looks like:
- Listening to others.
- Serving others.
- Speaking kindly to others.
- Seeking to understand others.
- Creating space for others.
My hope is that in the midst of inevitable change, we are able to come alongside each other and build a stronger and more loving community.
And when we have that, we have everything.
From our Bookkeeper:
Hello Seniors and Families!
We hope you’re as excited as we are for graduation! Just a quick reminder to check the balance on your student account. We're planning to mail out diplomas in mid-July, but if there are any outstanding fines, we’ll need to wait until those are taken care of before we can send your diploma.
To take care of any fines, simply log in to the Parent Portal through PowerSchool. Just click on "Purchases and Payments" on the left side of the screen. Keep in mind that the Payment function isn't available on the PowerSchool app.
Please refer to this Instructional Video for step by step instructions.
If you notice anything that seems incorrect or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at I'd be happy to help! For inquiries regarding meal accounts, feel free to contact Nutrition Services.
Thank you, and congratulations once again!
SENIORS: It's time to apply for Students of Distinction!
Students of Distinction is a 23 year community legacy that provides scholarships to nominated graduating Peninsula School District seniors, and honors them for their achievements in a variety of categories. Students from Gig Harbor, Peninsula, or Henderson Bay high schools may apply for the honor, or can be nominated by a parent, teacher, peer or community member. APPLY HERE!!
Applications Due: March 17th, 2025 @ 5 PM PST
Final Nominees Notified: By April 1, 2024
Panel Interview (required to be considered): April 26th, 2025
Award Dinner (Panelist Choice Winners will be announced): May 21st, 2025 @ Ocean5
Achievement Categories:
Complete this form for each category you would like to apply for. If you apply/nominate a student for multiple categories, their final nomination will only be in the category in which the selection committee believes is best suited to the student.
Academic Achievement
Athletic Achievement
Career and Technical Excellence
Community Service Achievement
Music, Arts, and Drama Achievement
Overcoming Adversity Achievement
Science and Technology Achievement
Last week we had an amazing band concert. Shout out to our Band Director, Mr. Swanson, and all of our musicians for their incredible work!
Congratulations to Class of 2025 student David Rogers on his NROTC scholarship from the US Marine Corps. 
This scholarship applies to his college of choice. We are so proud of all of his hard work and are excited for what is ahead.
To watch the presentation, go HERE.
It's time for the yearbook's Picture Perfect art contest! You can enter any original visual artwork, and our winner will receive a $25 Starbucks card, and many entries will be printed in the GHHS yearbook. Enter here by the March 13th deadline. Please contact Heidi Allen with questions.
Congratulations to Joe Marten, CTE Teacher extraordinaire, for his recent Teacher of the Year Award from the Veteran's of Foreign Wars Post 1854. Mr. Marten teaches Architecture and Interior Design, Engineering Design, Drone Pilot Certification, Manufacturing and Technology, and Video Production.
We are so proud of his accomplishments and all that he brings to our students at GHHS. Congrats, Mr. Marten!

PSD sent out communications today about a PowerSchool breach: "PSD recently learned that on December 28, 2024, PowerSchool discovered that an unauthorized actor gained access to certain customer data, potentially including some information relating to Peninsula School District." Please see PSD's ParentSquare communications for more information and next steps. They are actively monitoring the incident.
In-District Transfer Applications Open April 1
Applications for in-district transfers for the 2025-26 school year will open on April 1, 2025. If you wish for your child to attend a school other than your designated neighborhood school, please submit a transfer request.
 Important details:
Applications can be found at all schools, the district office, or downloaded from our website.
Submit completed applications to the Chief of Schools at the District Office, 14015 62nd Ave NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98332
Transfer approvals are based on available space, staffing, and educational program needs
Early submission is recommended as approvals are often determined by space availability
As a reminder, all students are required to attend their neighborhood school unless a transfer is approved. The district may also initiate transfers when necessary for program or enrollment needs.
Our band boosters are having a Panda Express takeover on Thursday March 13th. Orders must be placed online but all locations are participating so be sure to tell friends and family nationwide!

Do not throw away your shot… at reading about the drama class's incredible experience watching Hamilton at the Paramount recently and support our speedy boys swimmers who broke records at the state championships. With ongoing class registration, consider the importance of math as a core subject in the education system and celebrate our jazz band's success at the Quincy Square Jazz Festival. Additionally, learn what you can do to protect the Puget Sound and how the very existence of nuclear weapons threatens our own existence. Our student staff covers a variety of topics, including news like the recent collision, athletics like bowling, swimming, and athlete spotlights, and entertainment like movie reviews and reports on film awards.
We want to promote your work! If you are a student and interested in being featured as a guest writer, consider submitting your essay from your English class for publication on the Sound! Email Head Editor Maya Holmes at for more details.
Are you interested in journalism, whether it be blogging, sports journalism, research, etcetera? Do you like to write? Consider signing up for Publications: Newspaper to be a part of your school newspaper and get your ideas and talents out there.
Follow us on Instagram @ghhs.publications for the Article of the Week and more! Be sure to share your favorite articles with your friends and family! Thank you for supporting the newspaper!
3.14 - No School - Teacher Inservice 3.17 - Students of Distinction Due 3.25 - Panorama Survey - Extended 2nd period 3.31-4.4 - SBA Testing
Mrs. Suiter
The Tide Way: Live with Integrity
* Be Kind * Be Engaged * Be Responsible *