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Gig Harbor High School

Home of the Tides

Activities and Clubs


At Gig Harbor High School, we embody "The Tides Way" in everything we do: living with integrity, being kind, staying engaged, and acting responsibly. These values are the foundation of our diverse activities and clubs, where students are encouraged to explore their passions, develop leadership skills, and make meaningful contributions to the school community. Whether you’re interested in the arts, academics, or service, there's a place for you to thrive and grow as a Tide.

Student Clubs

Ambassador Club

To represent Gig Harbor High School in a manner that creates a culture of acceptance and community for all students and staff.  To ensure new students are welcomed and integrated into the school and community through the support of the Ambassador Club.  To unite all students at Gig Harbor High School and recognize the importance of the individual.

Ambassador club is involved in service projects for the community like the gift giving at Christmas and Fish Food bank donations, 

Contact the club advisor, Matthew Samms at

ASL Club

Please come and join ASL Club to learn about the culture and the language. You will have a great opportunity to connect with others AND join the American Sign Language Honor Society - providing an option to partake in national competitions. We meet weekly: Thursday's at 2 pm  

Contact Brittney Thomas

Black Student Union Club

Join us to talk about heritage, culture and important current events.

The club meets every Thursday in room 326 at 2 pm.

Contact Rebecca Wenrich

Book Club

Anyone interested in reading and discussing books.  Enjoy time with friends, expand our thinking, laugh, and heighten our creativity through reading--and eat snacks. Contact Stacey for meeting days and times.

Contact Stacey Marten

Chess Club

If you are interested in starting a chess club, please contact the main office.


DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) is a national organization offering experiences in competitive marketing and business at the local, state and national levels. If you want to learn more about possible careers in the business and marketing world. DECA competitive events teach key skills like creating business plans, researching and analyzing company operations, delivering presentations and performing well in interviews. Gig Harbor DECA also provides the opportunity to develop as a leader such as by serving as a chapter officer, attending leadership developmental conferences and planning chapter events.  

Contact Kevin Davis

Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons is the original role playing game. If you are interested in starting a D and D club, please see the main office.


The purpose of FCA is to lead athletes into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. We seek to make disciples through our methods of engaging, equipping, and empowering Athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same.

Contact Darren Reeves, Advisor, for more information.

French Club


The Gig Harbor Environmental and Community Outreach Club promotes sound environmental practices throughout the Gig Harbor community.
The club meets every Wednesdays at 2:10 pm in room 312.   

Contact Susan Deeds


The mission of HOSA is to empower HOSA-Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration and experience. The purpose of the HOSA organization is to develop leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program. 

The club meets in room 213 from 2:05-3:15 on Thursdays 

Click here to read the flyer
National website: National Website
Remind: text @ghhshosa1 to 81010
Contact Jennifer Bookman

Interact Club

The club is sponsored by the Gig Harbor Mid-Day Rotary Club.  To raise student awareness about service not only to their community but around the world.

The club meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday every month at 7:45 am in room 326.

Contact Alyse Yeaman

Key Club

We are members of the oldest and largest international program for high school students to participate in community service. We are sponsored by Kiwanis International through our local Gig Harbor Kiwanis. Key Club assists Kiwanis in carrying out its mission to serve the children of the world. High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.

The club meets Thursdays at 2:15 in room 102.

Contact Ehren Gossler

Knowledge Bowl

Knowledge Bowl is an interscholastic team trivia competition.  A moderator asks a series of questions regarding academic subjects and pop culture.  Teams score points by being the first to buzz in with the correct answers.  All students are welcome to join, and there are no tryouts or cuts.  We have one practice per week , and we compete in an area league from November through February, usually once per week after school.

Knowledge Bowl meets in the library on Tuesdays/Thursdays at 2:00 pm.

Contact Stacey Marten or Keyna Houston

Mountaineering Club

Join the Mountaineering Club. If you are interested in learning about mountaineering, this might be the club for you.

Contact Jeff Milbourn

National Honor Society

Four main purposes have guided chapters of NHS from the beginning:  "To create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools."  These purposes also translate into the criteria used for membership selection in our chapter.

The club meets Mondays when needed.

Contact Heidi Allen

Queer/Straight Alliance

A safe environment for students that identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, or anywhere else on the spectrum of sexuality and/or gender, as well as their straight allies.
Meetings usually held in room 302 after school on Mondays from 2-3, with one of the six co-advisors present. If meetings are to be held in a different location, it will be in daily announcements and posted on door of room 302. 

Contact Maggie Anderson

Ski and Snowboard Club

Contact Jeff Milbourn

Spanish Language Club

Spanish Language Club

Learn or practice your Spanish in room 118 on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm.

Contact Joe Everett

Speech and Debate

If you love speech and debate, then join us to perfect your speaking skills.  The club meets Mondays and Thursday from Sept. to March in room 218 at 2:pm.

Contact Chris Coovert for more information.

Sports Medicine Club

The club meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays in room 315 from 2-2:30.

Contact Jeff Milbourn


Formally known as the Technology Student Association (TSA) is the only student organization devoted exclusively to the needs of students engaged in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). TSA's membership includes over 200,000 middle and high school students in over 2,000 schools spanning 49 states. TSA is supported by educators, parents and business leaders who believe in the need for a technologically literate society. Members learn through exciting competitive events, leadership opportunities and much more. The diversity of activities makes TSA a positive experience for every student. From engineers to business managers, our alumni credit TSA with a positive influence on their lives.
$15.00 fee to join.

The club meets in room 405 from 2:15-3:30 pm.

Contact Joe Marten   or        Sam Tilly                    or Lana Stephens 

"The Sound" Newspaper Club

Students who are currently enrolled in the advanced journalistic writing class or Newspaper.

Contact Heidi Allen

"Tsunami" Yearbook Club

Anyone interested in working on the yearbook

Contact Heidi Allen